Field’s Care have taken care of my partner for about 4 years. Their work has always been efficient and both the carers themselves and office contact. Extremely helpful and kind.
Our data protection policies are in line with the Data Protection Act 2018, Field’s Care Ltd operate s polices and procedures which prohibit unauthorised access or disclosure of service users personal information. Under the Data Protection Act, servicer users have the right to access their own personal information that is held about them.
Staff and care workers must abide by the company’s policy on confidentiality. This precludes them from divulging information to a third party about anything the have seen, heard or read about a service user in their work situation. Care workers may discuss any concerns about well being or safety with their branch manager. If there is a need to speak to a third party about a service user we seek permission before doing so unless in an emergency or crisis.
We are required by law to provide access to your records for the National care Standard Commission for the purpose of inspection of the agency.
Field’s Care Ltd will not allow service users or our care workers to be subjected to discrimination for any reason. We expect everyone to be treated equally and fairly regardless of his or her race, colour, nationality, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, disability or age. The company operates an Equal Opportunities policy in their recruitment and registration procedures that ensure staff and care workers are selected on the basis of their ability to fulfil the requirements of their job.
Field’s Care Ltd promotes a working environment free from harassment or intimidation and view harassment towards a service user or a care worker to be a serious breach of conduct. Cultural needs will be clarified by consultation with the service user on assessment and care worker will be briefed on the requirement of each service users.